A Colorful Quartet in Lepus

A Colorful Quartet in Lepus

The multiple star HJ 3780 is a colorful and pleasing binocular object in the somewhat neglected constellation of Lepus, crouching just south of Orion. The blazing star in the Simbad image above is Arneb, a 2nd magnitude class F0 1b supergiant, the brightest star in...
A Colorful Quartet in Lepus

How to Find Hind’s Crimson Star

This post is for a special friend who recently had trouble locating Hind’s Crimson Star, aka R Leporis. R Leporis is a famously red carbon star of spectral class C7,4e in the constellation Lepus, the hare. It’s a Mira-type variable 1300 light years from...
25×100 ED Ultra First Light

25×100 ED Ultra First Light

It seemed like the forecast for Saturday night (4 March 2023) would not hold up, based on visual satellite imagery, but despite some hazy clouds and a 94.9% illuminated 11-day moon the skies were clear enough to do some observing so both the 25×100 ED Ultra and...
Oberwerk 25×100 ED Ultra

Oberwerk 25×100 ED Ultra

A long anticipated addition to the Oberwerk binocular offerings arrived at my door this afternoon — the 25×100 ED Ultra with reworked eyepieces to increase eye relief by 4mm (to 14mm). Hopefully this will not be too much eye relief for me, being something...
The Cruelty of the Camel

The Cruelty of the Camel

Camelopardalis is a giraffe, not a camel, but the title is too amusing to resist, so I’m going with it. And because inquiring minds want to know, it is said to be pronounced kuh-mel-uh-pahr-dl-is by dictionary.com, but cam-el-oh-par-dal-iss has a more musical...