Aurora Borealis Kansas Style

Aurora Borealis Kansas Style

It has been weeks of clouds, rain (which we needed), high winds (not needed), and schedule complications, so there has not been much observing from my urban observatory (yard) in Lenexa, Kansas. BUT, Friday and Saturday evenings I was finally able to do some...
LIGO Surprise

LIGO Surprise

I was surprised and delighted by a gift from an astronomy friend this week, a LIGO cap (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory). It was accompanied with a wonderful story in an impeccably hand-written card. Here is what the card says: Dear Fiske, When I...
Camelopardalis — Facing Our Fears

Camelopardalis — Facing Our Fears

This time of year I find myself visiting Camelopardalis (really a giraffe not a camel — see this post from last winter). Despite its large size (18th largest constellation), Camelopardalis attracts relatively few astronomical caravans (having a hard time shaking...
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks

After a cold, cloudy, and schedule conflicted January and February, March got off to a good binocular astronomy start thanks to an invitation from Bill Barlow to join him for observing at Lewis-Young park in Louisburg, Kansas Friday, March 1, on a clear if somewhat...